domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

Tiger cubs reach hunting school

Here you can see another new about the tigers but about the tigers of China. In this new we can see one example of protection mesures to finish with the desaparition of this magnific animal.

This mesure consist in introduce two litle tigers in a parc of Africa to teach them. In this parc the tigers learn hunting to can survive alone in a future, in this parc of Africa there are some instructors and the perfect conditions to teach this tigers to hunt deer and wild boar back in China's dwindling forests.

Before I analized this three news I think that the tiger have serious problems to survive in this world dominated for the humans because we are occupying all the places of the world and if we don't reserve places for the animals who can't live between the humans like the tigers they will disapear.

deer: cérvol
wild boar: senglar

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